Golly! Its been such a long time since I've been here. Over a year... and so much has happened.... My thakkudumariamma Naina Marie is nearly 2 years now, two years of crying and nappy changing, two years of precociouness and honey, a rollercoast ride that I might someday look back with longing..
Well someday.. a day that is definitely a looong way off. For now, its shrieks of "Naina! Dont do that!" or "Naina! Dont go there" or just plain "Nainaaaaaaaaaa!"
Guess Mummy is somewhere there chuckling to herself " This is what I call sweet revenge honey."
Of course, life is not just spice or just sugar... its always spice AND sugar! We had a new addition to our family last year in December. Chiku Baby.. a vulnerable, innocent, peaceful bundle of joy. Her face crumples with each smile and withers before she cries. Its heartrending to watch Naina try to console Chiku, her kuku when she cries, its also funny to watch Chiku laugh out loud when Naina screeches.
All accompanied with me trying to tear my hair out. Oh well, a rainbow has different colours, but that's what makes it so beautiful.
Helicopters in the bathroom
6 years ago