Monday, December 11, 2006

A small step for time, a large leap for the counter

"Rini writes once. Those left behind die a 1000 deaths trying to understand."

Two years ago, inspired by a complete stranger, I decided to start a blog. Even though propriety forced me to restrict the flow between brain and hand, I did jot down a few of my oohs and aahs about my little angels (read in disguise), saving hubby dear from plugging his ears once more.

Today, I see my counter is going to enter another millenium. And I also see its been exactly two years since I entered the blog-world.

And that my friends is a GRAND SLAM!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! To the counter and the blogger ... and to the inspirations of your posts. Cheers.

Deeps said...

Congratulations! To the counter and the blogger ... and to the inspirations of your posts. Cheers