Monday, February 07, 2005

Another day

Desperate situations call for desperate measures. We kicked our hosemaid out today (one stupid &^*@&^# female) and methinks me finally gets to learn cooking. And my brother's home too. He might run back to B'lore as soon as he hears I set foot into the kitchen, so its all hush-hush. If he gets pissed about the food, I point at the girls, if he likes it, I smile proudly.

Baby's slowly starting solids. Vinu gave her some chocolate cake... and she loves it. Of course she wont admit it, her expression's like.. "Well, if you insist".. but she holds on to your finger till she licks it clean. Looks like she's inherited the MST (Manickenamparambil / Manickanamparambil sweet tooth). Guess Burfi, Sonapappadi, aluva etc. are not far behind. Heard her grandfather used to hide sweets under the bed, methinks I should really have second thoughts of buying her a playcot.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice to read about the 'new' member in the family. : )Seems u r having lotsa fun. My sis also has a little one.He is 6 months now. Can u upload Jr Rini's photos in orkut?
During college days, Radhu used to say you write really nice.Keep writing.